Monday 2 April 2012

Judo Competition Scoring

A throw that places the opponent on his back with impetus and control scores ippon, winning the contest. A lesser throw, where the opponent is thrown onto his back, but with insufficient force to merit an ippon, scores waza-ari. Two scores of waza-ari equal ippon (waza-ari awasete ippon) a throw that places the opponent onto his side scores yuko. No amount of yukos equals a waza-ari, they are only considered in the event of an otherwise tied contest.
Ippon is scored in ne-waza for pinning an opponent on his back with a recognized osaekomi-waza for 25 seconds or by forcing a submission through shime-waza or kansetsu-waza. A submission is signaled by tapping the mat or the opponent at least twice with the hand or foot, or by saying maitta (I surrender). A pin lasting for less than 25 second but more than 20 second scores waza-ari and one lasting less than 20 seconds but more than 15 second scores yuko.
Formerly, there was an additional score that was lesser to yuko, that of Koka. This has since been removed. If the scores are identical at the end of the match, the contest is resolved by the Golden Score rule. Golden Score is a sudden death situation where the clock is reset to match-time, and the first contestant to achieve any score wins. If there is no score during this period, then the winner is decided by Hantei, the majority opinion of the referee and the two corner judges. Judo fans can buy Olympic Judo Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange at very cheap rates. Sport Ticket Exchange offers you all sorts of Olympic Tickets especially Olympic Judo Tickets at very secure and guaranteed system. You can also earn entreating return at Olympic Tickets Resale.

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